Guys! Baby Oster due January 30th, 2021. Can you believe it?! If you follow me on instagram, you already know. You may even know the gender…. :)
Read MoreWe have always had a yard. We have had full creative reign to dig where we want to dig, build what we want to build, raise chickens, and plant whatever we wish in the new garden beds our imaginations dreamed of. Until now. As we carried our mattress up the flight of stairs to our new front door, I looked down at what would be our lawn, a 12x12 plot of flagstone, currently covered in tools and a half built fence.
Read MoreOne of the most frequently asked questions I get is “how do you stay motivated?” The truth is that I don’t. Motivation is not there for me all the time. There are plenty of days when I would rather snuggle with my husband when the alarm goes off than get up to go to the gym.
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