Second Trimester Pregnancy Update

We are halfway through! I can’t even believe we are already 20 weeks pregnant. Time is going by so fast this trimester. I felt like I was counting the days to get to 12 weeks but since, I’ve been hoping time would slow down! I’m grateful I am feeling better and the nausea has cleared up almost 100% if I’m diligent about eating. 

These beach photos were taken at 17 weeks.

These beach photos were taken at 17 weeks.


We had our 19 week midwife appointment and everything appears to be healthy and normal with both of us. Yay! We have our twenty week ultrasound this wednesday so that will be exciting. 

How I am feeling: Much better! All symptoms feel like annoyances rather than terrible symptoms. I have my energy back and all in all, feel like myself again. 

Baby Movement: Baby is moving! I didn’t feel any movement and then at 19 weeks, I started to feel movement all the time. Ian has even been able to feel some kicks from outside. Super cool. 

Cravings: Today, all I want is chocolate in all forms! But all in all, not really craving anything in particular. Just really hungry and wanting more sweet food over savory. I feel like this baby/my body is trying to pack on the pounds now and I am ravenous. 


  • Baby is growing! 

  • Acne. Oh my gosh, acne on my cheeks and chin has really been picking up lately. Not fun. 

  • Round ligament pain. Oh my! They come and go quickly, but they are PAINFUL! 

  • Dizzy - having some fainting spells. I have to be careful to rest enough or I pass out/get headaches, etc. 

  • Ear plugging. This is probably the most annoying symptom I had no idea could happen! My ears feel like I’m on a plan often, usually when doing too much or hanging out with people. 

  • Pregnancy brain is getting worse and worse haha. 

  • Still waiting for the luscious hair and nails :) 

Weight gain: 5 pounds so far.

Exercise: Going strong and feeling like myself! I need much longer in between sessions for recovery so I am only doing 3-4 days in the gym but have increased my cardio to a few sessions a week. Getting a sweat and going lighter on weights but keeping my heart rate up is feeling really good. We’re also getting out for dog walks and I’ve been doing short mobility/pre-natal yoga sessions most days. 

Nutrition: I actually made myself a plan for eating. I’m treating it rough because I don’t believe pregnancy is an appropriate time to be strict with a meal plan because you have to leave space to listen to your body moment by moment. I do have a rough meal plan template that I’m following to make sure I am eating enough food and getting enough protein (which I barely am). I’m eating real food, lots of vegetables again, and able to eat healthy. It feels much better to be able to nourish myself and the baby well this trimester. 

Bump Update
: Some days I definitely have one, others I don’t. Now at 20 weeks, I definitely do have a bump but it’s still not something random strangers would notice. I’m small overall so I just look small but relative to what I started with, my stomach has changed quite a bit! I am wearing maternity pants these days but I’m still a little small for a lot of them. I do find them much more comfortable and flattering than baggy or sized up clothes though! Loose dresses and skirts have been my go-to. I bought a couple new pairs of boots for the fall and was gifted a hand-me-down box of maternity clothes. Having cute shoes on top of simple loose clothes has felt the best lately!

This was about 15 weeks.

This was about 15 weeks.

18 week photo updates.

18 week photo updates.

19 weeks pregnant. Baby was hiding that day or something.

19 weeks pregnant. Baby was hiding that day or something.

Baby Prep: 

Registry: We started a registry which my sister-in-law helped me fill in the necessities and not much more. We have a really small house (440 sq. ft.) so we have to look at everything/be selective. Should i do a post on what we registered for? 

Nursery: We haven’t done much so far because we have to wait on a nursery. We are renting the backhouse on the property we live on and have to wait until that’s done to get started on making room for her. Probably november? I’m really excited about a nursery though and will definitely be sharing it here! 

Van Renovation: Perhaps a bigger preparation to-do for us is getting our sprinter ready. We only have two seats in the van so we have to add a backseat/rearrange the layout of our sprinter van and this is on the list next. It feels like a big project but it will be so worth it! (and obviously we need to be able to drive the baby around lol). The van feels like our home so this will probably help it all feel more real and exciting. Any van lifers out there added a baby to the mix? Advice? Bench seat or bucket seat? 

Baby Prep: We will be signing up for birth classes, getting a pediatrician lined up, and are working with our midwives to finalize our birth plan. 

Life Updates & Babymoon: Life has been busy and is just going to be even busier over the next couple of months, but we are grateful that it’s all good things and we have lots of travel and family coming up (fingers crossed with COVID). Our babymoon is up in the air right now because of the pandemic but we are trying our best to plan and make sure we get some vacation time before she comes. We don’t feel comfortable traveling out of the country right now, so we’re looking at California, Arizona, or Hawaii. Obviously, Hawaii would be amazing so I will keep you updated!
