How to Create an Empowering Morning Routine
Here we are, all staying at home and being the masters of our own schedules.
For better or for worse. Wether you are working from home, staying home with your kids, or just plan staying home and trying to be the best version of yourself among all of the uncertainty, I am writing this with you in mind.
We all need to keep a sense of normalcy, especially when big changes are happening in our lives all around us.
Our mornings set the tone for our days, our days set the tone for our weeks, and our weeks become our years. This is why it is so important to take charge of how we show up for ourselves in the first hours of waking. It doesn’t have to be complicated or long, but an intentional morning routine can be magical.
That’s the key: an intentional morning routine.
So what does this look like?
A morning routine can look however you want it to look. This is the time to work on those projects you’ve been dreaming about, to connect with a yoga practice, find time for reading, journaling, or the business you have always wanted to build. Make a list of what you would spend time on in the morning an in ideal world. Now if your list is huge (like mine), narrow it down to your top one or two activities. We will fit these into your ideal routine.
Your morning routine is your routine and you should enjoy it. However, I do believe there are certain aspects that should be included for the best energy throughout the day. We will call these “elements”.
The Four Elements of a Powerful and Productive Morning Routine:
Something Spiritual.
First things first, we need to nourish your soul. All the elements of a morning routine are important, but this one has a special place. First thing when you wake up, do what you need to do (go to the bathroom, brush your teeth, wash your face), and then get down to the spiritual work. This looks different depending on your beliefs, and no one is telling you how to connect with your soul, or your God, you just need to connect in some way. Some of our favorites include gratitude, meditation, simple silence, emotional awareness moments, prayer, devotional. I would encourage you to use this time to turn inward, not outward. Connect with the calm inner center of you. This can be as quick as a three minute gratitude practice, or as long as a 30-45 minute meditation.
Something Mental
Now is the time to get external inspiration. Starting your day learning about something that grows you into the person you want to be is powerful, and a great way to wake up your mind. This can include reading non-fiction (our favorite!), a podcast, spending time in religious study, or writing. If you spend time being creative or running a business, reading a non-fiction self-development in the morning gives you the space to gain the tools you need to be better in your work. If you are a parent, or generally busy individual, reading about something you are interested in can help you connect with who you are, independent of everything you have going on. Save the fiction for later, and try to focus on something that builds you. If you need an hour to work on your business before your kids wake up, this is a great time!
Set a timer, or pick a measurable goal. I choose to read 10 pages of the book I am reading. My husband likes to read for 30 minutes. When I was spending time writing in the morning, I would set a timer for 20 minutes to free-write. You could also set a timer for an hour and use it as an uninterrupted work block.
Something Physical
Now is the time to get moving! I said your morning routine should be enjoyable, and it should be. Pick some kind of movement that is fun. If you train for an hour or two in the gym, this might be a great time to do that. But this can also be a good time to go for a run, walk your dog, do five sun salutations (my practice of choice), or put on some music and dance. If you train later in the day like I do, still get some movement. This is to get your blood flow going, wake up your body and your mind. Just like it’s important for you to warm up for a hard workout, it is important to warm up for your life!
An object in motion likes to stay in motion.
Something Nourishing
Ya’ll know I care a lot about nourishing our bodies with real food, so I will just pretend you are fully on board with me here. Include a nourishing breakfast and a big glass of water into your daily morning routine.
Then get started with your day! Write that chapter, work out that new product launch, start checking off your top three tasks for your workday, or simply great your children or spouse (or the mirror) with a smile, knowing you have first cared for the most important person in your life, you.
General Tips:
Make your bed first thing! Especially since we are all staying home, living among a clean space can help brighten our spirits and help us create separation between sloth-time and productivity time.
Pick one of these to emphasis. It’s unrealistic to spend 30 minutes in meditation, an hour working on your new book, and two hours training for your marathon or bodybuilding show. Choose your focus for that season. If you are writing a book, shift your training to the evening. If you are training for two hours in the morning, write down three things you are grateful for and listen to a podcast during your workout, or read just 5 pages before you start your workout.
Some Morning Routine examples:
Wake up at 6am, brush teeth/wash face. Make the bed. Spend time in prayer, read 5 pages of the Bible, read my devotional and journal for 15 minutes. Closing prayer and moment of gratitude/stillness. 20-30 minute run or home workout. Shower, put on a touch of make up and brush hair. Eat breakfast and make kids breakfast. Wake up kids and start the crazy school morning! (even if school is now at home).
Wake up at 7am, jump in shower, make bed, make a cup of coffee, write down 5 things I am grateful for, write down my top goals for the next 5 years, read a self-development book for 30 minutes. 10-20 minute walk with spouse. Make a smoothie. Sit down at home office, meet with team and spend an hour working on most important task for the day.
Wake up at 8am. Make bed. Meditation for 5 minutes. Put on a podcast and run/drive to the gym. Training session, and sauna session. Come home, shower, make breakfast, and start the work day.
Wake up at 5am! Make the bed. Quick freshen up. Make a cup of coffee. Write down 5 things you are grateful for. Do five sun-salutations. Open the laptop (with wifi off) and write a chapter of the book you are working on or a set number of pages/word-count. Make breakfast, wake up the family for online schooling and trying to keep everyone entertained all day.
(I included the times here to show, it doesn’t matter what time you are waking up. You don’t have to wake up at 4am and hit the ground running. You just have to be consistent and intentional.)
My morning routine: You can check out my personal morning routine here.