Second Trimester Recap
Here we are, at 31 weeks. I can’t believe it! Second trimester went so fast and it feels like the third trimester may be going even faster. We traveled so much during the second trimester, and we moved at the beginning of it so it was truly a whirlwind.
We just got back from our babymoon in Kauai this past week and it was amazing. I will definitely want to recap that because there are so many food recommendations I want to make!
I am excited to settle into our house now. We are kind of moving again, not off of our property but expanding into a studio in the back. I can’t wait to get everything settled, have room to start setting up baby things and start getting ready over the holidays.
How are you feeling?
I feel like the two most common questions I get asked are, “how are you feeling?” and “when is your due date?” (January 30th) which I am incredibly thankful for. People have generally been supportive and excited for us. I haven’t gotten many of the horror stories or “your life is over comment.” I’m feeling like we have a good community of people around us.
I am feeling GOOD! All through the second trimester, I can gratefully say I didn’t have a lot of symptoms. I had some general aches and pains but just annoying pelvic pain and one migraine when I knew I had overdone it. But even with that, I’ve honestly been feeling better than pre-pregnancy. I have felt strong in the gym, energized for daily life, inspired to work, and feeling like my normal self (maybe even a little better?). Being able to keep up with my gym training at a pretty intense level has really helped me feel like myself! I have also been able to work a lot more this trimester, keep up in my role as our homemaker, create systems in our house and in my business, and take on some more clients. It’s been good.
We had a scare on our 20 week ultrasound that burst my bubble. I usually struggle with anxiety but the hormones of pregnancy have made that virtually go away. I was feeling really level headed and calm. But then we had some less than perfect results from our ultrasound that made me raw. Even though my outward symptoms are a normal healthy pregnancy, you never know when you are growing a little one inside of you.
We had two main potential concerns that we needed to rule out. The midwives were very reassuring that they were most likely nothing to be worried about but we had to wait until until our next ultrasound to rule some concerns out. It was a hard 8 weeks to wait (luckily we traveled most of it) until our 28 week ultrasound.
But we got a good picture of our little girl, my placenta, and the whole shebang. Luckily, the 28 week ultrasound went WELL! And everything looked completely normal. The two things they had seen previously had resolved themselves and were no longer visible and baby is looking healthy. We were SO happy and relieved.
It’s also worth mentioning that we are still pregnant in a time of COVID and that has brought some stressors too. I know, speaking with other expectant couples, we are not alone in how this has brought stress to families and baby prep. Even to how to have a baby shower, what delivery will look like, where to deliver, etc. We have had stress around COVID, especially now that everyone else feels ready to move on but we can’t do that yet. So if you are pregnant right now and feeling that stress, we’re with ya!
Do you know the sex of the baby?
YES! It’s a GIRL! I’m so pumped. You can read/watch our gender reveal here.
Weight Gain:
I started pregnancy around 111lbs. And weighed this morning (30 weeks) at 122.8. I think my total second trimester weight gain was 9-10 pounds.
Any Cravings?
Not really. I just want ALLL the food. My appetite took a soaring turn around week 15 and I have been SO hungry ever since.
I want really healthy meals. Thankfully, I have wanted lots of fruits, vegetables, and balanced meals. But on top of that….
My biggest desires toward the end of second trimester have been for sweets, especially hot chocolates with whipped cream (this could also have to do with it being november). We traveled for almost all of October back to families and there was dessert every night, and leftover donuts from our baby shower. It was so nice to be fed by our moms for a bit. But I ate all the sugar and really had no will power. I do think it helped me catch up on some needed weight gain so our midwives are not upset about the extra intake - even if it was from some more empty calories.
I really have been wanting lots of healthy food again and really do crave nourishing, clean meals. I just need a lot more food. I go to bed pretty full but wake up around 5am shaky and hungry.
Any Aversions?
My aversion to tomatoes stuck around until just last week maybe, so throughout the whole second trimester and that was challenging. I didn’t realize how often people cook with tomato. But it seems to be subsiding now. Meat also goes in and out.
Are You Still Working Out? Training?
Yes! I am strength training 4 days a week on average now, usually getting exercise 5 days a week (3-4 in the gym and 1-2 outside), plus short walks with our dog and I’ve added short mobility sessions in the morning which have been SO helpful for my aches and pains.
My training sessions are longer now than first trimester, I’ve been really enjoying them. I was training back home at my favorite gym for a few weeks and had the time to really invest in long workouts and it was amazing. I started running some more in second trimester because I was really craving it and getting a good cardio sweat started to feel really good so I added more time on the stairmaster in the gym and trail runs in Colorado.
I have had to modify some of my movements because my belly is officially now getting in the way. My weights overall are still less than pre-pregnancy, but I was able to increase the weight I was lifting in some of my movements and sometimes was back to pre-pregnancy, if not a bit higher. So feeling strong! I’m definitely not trying to overdue it and taking an extra rest day or two when I need it (and it’s pretty obvious when I need it).
How is your sleep?
Funny, as I am typing this, I have been struggling with a week of insomnia. But that’s third trimester. During second trimester, I slept great! I had a couple nights of insomnia around week 20? But luckily, those did not stick around and I have been sleeping well most nights. I have noticed on nights when I don’t get at least 7-8 hours of sleep, the nausea and headaches of the first trimester come back immediately. So getting enough sleep has been pretty crucial. Probably the biggest help for how I have been feeling is getting enough sleep.
Any other symptoms:
Out of breath all the time.
Pregnancy brain - still fun.
My left ear has been plugged up constantly!! This is the MOST annoying symptom.
Pelvic pain - oh man!
Achy after a night’s sleep but nothing mobility and stretching hasn’t been able to help.
Some dreams about labor and giving birth too soon.
Birth Plan Update:
We are going to give birth at our local birthing center, and we’re feeling really good about our birthing plan and our midwives! Grateful! Hoping everything goes well and to plan.
Are you showing yet?
Absolutely. I feel like I started “showing” around 18-19 weeks to people close to me, but I really “popped” around week 24/25 and had a rounded shape that was pretty obviously pregnant. Now I feel like my belly is growing by the second, and it kind of is! From the front, people stay may not know I’m pregnant though.
Have you Bought Maternity Clothes?
Yes, I’ve had to! I was gifted a big box of maternity clothes to borrow so that has helped a ton. I also had to get a one pair of maternity jeans, and went to a thrift store to get some additional items. It’s been hard because it’s so cold where we live. I usually live in high waisted jeans, crop tops, and sweaters. But that is not a cute look right now, haha. I’ve bought some oversized sweaters, and have been piecing together clothes that still fit from my regular wardrobe and maternity clothes. I feel like maternity clothes are actually much more flattering and comfortable. I would love to photograph some of my go-to outfits. I wore lots of dresses for the first half of the second trimester and that was amazing while it was warm enough!
Baby Prep
The baby shower really helped us pull together some needed items. The only other prep we did was put a literal back seat in our van. Pretty exciting!
I think that’s about it for this recap. Second trimester was good overall. It went by so fast. We’re definitely “behind” on getting ready for baby, signing up for a birth class, getting a proper vehicle. But we have time to do that now over these next couple of winter months.